Thursday, September 2, 2010

Increase your job performance!

Going to the gym has a lot of benefits, but can it improve your job performance?
According to an article in prevention magazine researchers found that almost 80% of the subjects found that working out before going to the office or on their lunch brake had improved mental performance, better relationships with colleagues, and found their work loads much easier to manage.

I know what you're thinking; I don't have the time to work out before I head to the office, or my lunch break is too short to eat and head to the gym, but the fact is it doesn't take much to get your daily dose of exercise, and you don't need a gym membership to stay healthy. It could be as simple as doing push ups and sit ups when you get out of bed in the morning not only is this good for the body but it's good for the mind it can help energize you and help you start your day off on the right foot. when you're at the office on your lunch break take the time to go for a short walk outside, this can help performance, and concentration and it's just nice to get out, breath the air, get a change of scenery and just reset for moment.

We all have excuses of why we don't live healthier lifestyles, but if you don't take action there is no reaction. What I'm saying is this, don't expect your life to change just by sitting there or hoping for some miracle. You have to do something about it and do it now. Stop procrastinating and start being productive and pro active in a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. NO MORE EXCUSES check this out for a good start to living and feeling healthier.
Click Here!

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